Saturday, 11 August 2012

Celebrity News and Gossip: a Glimpse Into the Public's Fascination - Entertainment - Celebrities

It's no secret: the world is drawn in by the private lives of celebrities, and everywhere we look there are celebrity gossip magazines, websites dedicated to shedding light on celebrities' private lives, and television shows focusing on everything from gossip and celebrity reality shows, to programmes about the houses that celebrities live in. What's more, the public constantly craves this sort of information, fuelling the paparazzi and the media to continuously work towards uncovering the latest stores snapping the most talk-worthy pictures.But one important question remains: just why is the public so obsessed with celebrities? Why is celebrity news in such great demand? And what do people feel they get out of it? The answer is multi-faceted. To begin, celebrities are in the limelight in an entertainment sense - whether in movies, TV shows, the modelling world, or any other facet of the industry. Because they are seemingly a part of people's lives to begin with, many individuals often feel some sort of entitlement to celebrity news. Thus, individuals actively search for celebrity news; and when they find it, they often want more. Another theory is that the lives of celebrities somehow compensate for things we don't have in our own lives. Celebrities are rich and famous, they own the latest material products, and they're often in relationships with other well-known celebrities. For an average, middle class person, such qualities are often alluring - simply because they offer a glimpse into the type of lifestyle that might be out of reach. Thus, following the lives of celebrities is, in a way, like living vicariously through them. Some, however, believe that the reason we follow celebrities' lives so closely is because we're waiting for them to fail. The reasoning behind this theory is that when celebrities tumble in some facet of their lives - whether in their relationships, careers, financially or legally - they seem more human. And finally, another reason the public goes after celebrity news is because it's so easily accessible. Many people like to hear "the dirt" on others, and generally enjoy a bit of gossip. When the gossip is so readily accessible through magazines, gossip websites and a range of television shows found in various TV packages, the public is quick to go after such "news". And when the news has to do with celebrities whose names are well known in the entertainment world, the gossip is even more attractive.

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